Kalamazoo County Fire Chiefs MFR Class of 2023

This course will provide an overview and orientation to the CPR2 Small BVM.

This course is intended for providers at the MFR and Basic license level.

The course includes an interactive Lesson, BVM Orientation Video and a Course Evaluation. 

Upon completion, a Certificate of Completion/CE Chit Sheet will be provided.

  • This online training module provides the didactic training material for the i-gel airway.

  • Completion of each section of the lesson is required in order to advance through the entire lesson to completion.

  • Once completed, you will be eligible to attend the hand on training session for i-gel airway use at your agency/department.

This course is an introduction to the Region 5 Hostile MCI Protocol and to the Rescue Task Force concept.  The information in this course was developed by Western Michigan University Homer Stryker MD School of Medicine's Division of EMS and Disaster Medicine on behalf of the Region 5 Medical Control Authority Network, the 5th District Medical Response Coalition, and the Region 5 Homeland Security Planning Board.  The intended audience for this course is licensed EMS personnel as well as law enforcement personnel.  The course is ideally designed to be complemented with hands-on training and periodic multi-disciplinary exercises.